Tuesday 18 January 2011


So the few days since my last blog A LOT has changed. I feel at peace, everyone is becoming more open and more trusting. I realise that being here I can fully trust in God instead of relying on my friends, boyfriend and family. I realise that this isn't going to be easy - I don't know why I thought it would be easy.
I've been telling people what I've doing here for a good few months and before that for examply, lectures, assesments, etc. However actually being has made me realise that this isn't a holiday where everything includes sleeping and going to the beach, with a few lessons here and then, but its going to be an awesome experiance of delving deeper into the heart of God with the outcomes undescribable and so powerful that each and everyone of us here doing the DTS will go and change the world.  We've all come from different back grounds and deffinately different countries - there are 14 nations in Townsville! but we all have one thing in common, to serve a God with all our hear and to show his love to people who need it most. Were not perfect, we may not look how you would like us to look, you may think youth slob around grunting but actually - we have hearts that can and will change the world if someone will just believe in us. I've learnt in the 3 days that I have been here that if you invest love and time into one person, that one person will go and do incredible things.
The idea's that I have to bring home with me already as steadily stacking up, the excitment of coming home and investing what I have learnt in Chesterfield puts a massive smile on my face - I've only been here 3 days!!
My mum is awesome and even though I'm on the other side of the world she is still showing her love for me in so many different ways - whether its getting out of bed to talk to me late in the evening. to e-mails of support and encouragement. This is one of the things that really made me realise that there is no point worrying about the future as it's not in my control, it is in the hands on OUR gracious, loving, caring, funny Father.
With love, God bless.

>> Thank you to all prayers over the past few days of peace and comfort as it has been tough. They are greatly appreciated.

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