Friday 7 January 2011


So the flight over was long! Very tiring but i got to see some gorgeous views. A sunrise which blew my mind, i opened the shutter on the plane (i was lucky enough to get a window seat!) and the sun was just rising - i'm not too sure where i was over - but it was gorgeous, an amazing view. I also got to look out over the nights sky, as i was over the clouds the stars were so clear! and there were so many, really beautiful and so different! I figured that's what God thinks about us, different but each special and beautiful in our own way! :-) And i came up with that all on my own!
My first night was good, i slept for 8 hours which was surprising considering that it would have been 1.00 PM English time! :-p
Ok, off for a swim now, a few mopey days to readjust.
God bless and thank you for the prayers.
Els. X

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