Tuesday 4 January 2011

36 hours until I leave for Australia

Wow!! Its happened so quickly, I mean one minute i'm thinking of applying the next i'm accepted and now i'm packed and leaving in 36 hours!
I think everything is done - My wonderful parents have helped me lots with the organising! Thank God for parents! :-D I'm spending a week with family friends which i'm glad about - i get to acclimatise and get over the jetlag before the hard work begins! :-D
Its so hard saying goodbye to everyone, the fact that i won't see many until July is very daunting but its nice to know i won't be on my own and there will be others going through the same emotions as me! :-/
I guess i should get on with the rest of the organising. Will update again when i arrive!


  1. Wow!!! this all sounds very exciting!!

    how comes your going to Australia?

  2. Yeah very exciting!! :-D
    I'm going with YWAM (Youth With A Mission) to do there 5 month Descipleship Training School (DTS) where you get to learn more about our awesome God and then get the chance to put it into practice with outreach oppertunities without the 5 months aswell as working with communities in Townsville! :-)

  3. You're going to have the time of your life! So glad you're doing this blog - I'll be reading it and praying for you. Thankyou for sharing it with me. Hxx

  4. Acclimatise! We won't have time for that! Room ready and a cool day forecast for Friday - 37c! Rest of the week looks a lot cooler though. Should we dress up in badger suits? Ask the oldies about the kangaroo at Manchester airport.

    Looking forward to catching up with you Friday night.
