Wednesday 6 April 2011

Outrach 1 - Week 2

This week has been amazing, God has seriously been moving in Gladstone and everything that we have done has been very positive, whether gardening, making egg and cheese muffins for a brekky club to helping out at a school shine programme (a group of 10 girls who get together talk about identity, relationships, get help with their class work etc.)

Indepth look of the week:

  • School programme – Ok so 6 of us are planning a school R.E programme for what we thought would be about 5 – 20 primary school kids. A few games, a talk and then a prayer to finish. Sweet very exciting! So we turn up at this school all pumped to talk to 20 kids and find out that we would be talking to the whole school, yes the whole school all 120 kids! The programme we planned was so much fun, 3 minute games all different to keep them entertained, I spoke about the Good Samaritan but changed it to a school setting which was fun, my team mate Courtney told a story of when her car broke down and how a stranger helped her out and how it meant a lot so maybe they could also help their teachers or parents out during the week.
  • Melon bowling – 40 minutes of melons flying everywhere! We went back to a school that we had done breakfast club in and got to catch up with all the people we had spoken to the week before which was awesome. The melon bowling was a real hit, at first I thought it would just be the YWAM team and a few others from the Christian group there but there were loads of people standing around looking and the line up for a go was awesome! J

Travelling to Emerald…
A five hour journey north-east of Gladstone is a small town where we have now encamped in a room above the church. An hour after arriving myself and Hilary (team member) were thrown into writing testimony/sermons for the youth group in the evening, 20 minutes before we are meant to be talking I finally worked out what I was meant to be talking about. The cost of being a disciple, what it meant to me and how giving up everything to go to Australia has really changed my life around, how God has opened my eyes to new things and from stepping out in faith I am now able to carry the cross and follow Jesus. The best thing was that we had no idea what the night was going to be on but God linked everything together so it was all about sacrificing money, time, career, family etc. TOTALLY AWESOME! J

We also had a day helping someone tidy there garden from the floods that happened in January, the water came up a meter from the bottom of the house, take a walk outside and have a look at how high that is, then go back inside and have a look at all the stuff on the bottom level of your house.. devestation would be a nice way to put what the people of the floods have been through!

*** Personally God has also broken my heart for what breaks his – as awesome thing to say but when he does you’ll know about it. I had the privilege to look through his eyes at his people, I saw the faces of the broken, lost, the prostitutes, the abused, the starving, the dying, the homeless, the young and old and everything in between. The look of emptiness in their eyes was devastating, I was overwhelmed with grieve and a confusion and longing to help. From this however I now have a passion to help the people above, I don’t know how or when but I know why: I want to give them the opportunity to have life, a life walked with Jesus Christ and an eternity with the Creator of the world.  ***

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