Monday 28 March 2011

Outreach One, Week One.

Leave Townsville: 6.10AM
Arrive in Gladstone: 5.30PM
Three stops and one giant mango (there is nothing more to say on the mango because that is all, it is giant mango, doesn’t really look like a mango but apparently it is a mango none the less! J

Ok, so as a team we have decided that our outreach is going to be mainly youth focused and we have had many opportunities in schools and youth groups to show them who we are and what we believe. This past week has been jam packed with brekky programmes serving toast and pancakes (I had to make some of the pancakes, after the first 8 they got better!), lunch programmes telling short testimonies. We have experienced half day R.E programmes and a massive youth event ran every Thursday evening. The variety has been excellent, the days have been long and God has really been showing us all as a team where to go, what to know and how to show his love. (Ooo that nearly rhymes) 

More detail:
  • R.E Programme – Two hours out of Gladstone is a town called Monto where we did the R.E morning. The hall was split into two halves, one half had chairs and the other was just a space where we could get into small groups and play games. The topic of this teaching was ‘living the dream’ and we spoke out earthly dreams such as being rich, partying hard, great sex, big house, etc… and then talked about God and what his plan for us was, to be in eternity with him. Then was the interesting part in our small groups we asked them if they would give it all up all their earthly dreams to follow God’s dream. The reaction to that question was a plain no, but we did have conversations about what we would give up if anything which did get them thinking a bit. The debrief at the end with the leaders was really positive, the kids had loved us being here, one girl in particular wrote me and note saying that she loved having me as her small group leader and wanted me to come back last time, which was a bit encouragement and God must have been working through their lives because I was just my silly self!

  • Brekky programmes – Getting up at 5AM to have breakfast at the church and then off to the specific school that we are helping to run the brekky club, at one we help distribute toast and juice to primary schoolers who may not get breakfast in the morning and the other is to high schoolers and we made pancakes! Like I said before after about the eighth pancake they started to look edible. Yay! J We normally get about 10-15 minutes to wander round and talk to the kids afterwards so me and my friend Gill went off together to see if we could get to know some of the kids. God pointed out this girl who was stood on her own and so we went up and started chatting to her. She was the most kind girl in the world, that was struggling to fit in at school and was occasionally bullied, we knew we were doing a lunch time programme at the same school later on that day so invited her to that which she came which was awesome! God was totally just moving and by the end of it we were laughing and joking and were really good friends. I’m looking forward to going back and seeing how she is getting on when we go back next week! J

  • Thursday night event – Is an event that is run by youth to keep the youth of Gladstone off the streets and out of trouble. There must have been over 200 young people chilling out on this park, there was a skating area where some sweet moves were being pulled on BMX’s and scooters, a climbing wall (I managed it once but felt like I was going to die) and then sing star and pool going off in different corners of the park! It was awesome! When we first rocked up and got out of the van it was very intimidating, seeing so many young people in big groups and knowing that you could possibly be getting to know them and chatting made me want to jump back in the van and go as far away as possible, I didn’t though and had such a good time, didn’t necessarily have any conversations of Christ but general topics such as shopping.

  • Youth group – We ran a youth group which had 40-45 young people in and we decided to play mini golf, when I first heard this I thought we were going on an outing but it turned out to be us making a course which was sooo much fun!! J I will be an expert at explain YWAM after this school as every time we are at a new place we explain what and who we are! We decided to talk about acceptance and showed the Woman at the well monologue and then two of the team shared there testimonies – we are all now pro’s at two minute testimonies.   
During the week we also had a day off and went to a beach called Angus beach, a beautiful 7KM beach, just stunning, spent the day chilling on the beach some of us went swimming in the sea and 3 hired surf boards and did some surfing, I didn't want to make a fool of myself so I slept on the beach.J We also got the chance to go kayaking between church services on Sunday, which was just so much fun, we went to a lake surrounded by mountains, look a picnic and just relaxed.

The church services were really good, the first one was lively and there were two baptism which were moving and such a great thing to be a part of! I couldn't get over how many young people there were, atleast 40-50 scattered all over the place which was just so encouraging and great to see! J

I'm having so much fun out on outreach, god is really teaching me patience and a confidence to speak to those i don't know. A great way to put into practice what i have learnt over the past two months!

God bless.

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