Thursday 3 February 2011

Thank you.

My dear friends,
I am well and safe, the base is safe and we have been blessed with no damage to any of the buildings or flats that we live in.
Power went off for 24 hours and as i also got to spend 24 hours with my flat mates! It was strange as the fellowship of us all together was awesome and we all got to spend time together that we probably wouldn't have done if cycone Yasi hadn't hit. I guess the news is showing the worst circumstances and there are places up and down the coast that have been hit badly, as far as we are aware no one has been killed of injured! A miricle due to the size of Yasi!
It has been very humbling experiancing a cyclone, the fear of what is to happen, the loss of power and then the loss of clean water really made me realise how lucky i am to have such a strong faith an amazing family and friends that are supportive in what i am doing. Knowing the the whole of England was praying for Townsville and safety made me smile and gave hope.
The lack of power and clean water also stired my heart for all those around the world who don't have celectricity or clean water straight away.
So i thank you for all your thoughts and prayers, everything is slowly getting back to normal - Its very werid to think back over the past 48 hours. surreal, i real eye opener to how blessed we all are to have clean water and electricity at the swith of a button! :-D

Thank you again for all your thoughts. I am truely blessed to have you all in my family.
God bless.

1 comment:

  1. Australian Adventure indeed! So glad you're safe and well. :-)
