Wednesday 9 February 2011

Musings of an 18 year old on relationships...

Relationships, one of the most terrifying things that a teenager could talk about, don't do this, do this, say this, think that, guidlines, boundaries... Interesting and all relevent, in context of course..
The past week on my DTS we have been looking at relationships and what it means to be in a relationship that is healthy and strong. For it comes down to one simple things. God. For me having a relationship with God is the only way to go, God doesn't break promises, He won't leave me, He likes talking to me..  Trust. I trust God, the deeper I allow myself to go with God in friendship and reliance of his provision and guidance I can put this into practice with my earthly relationships. The further I love God the further my capacity to love others. So that is what I will do, I will put God first, I will rely on him and trust him and talk to him about everything, as I lean into him I will learn the importance of different things in relationships, how to open up and how to trust others. I am blessed to look at my parents reationship and my sisters relationship to see that there is a thing called a God given relationship where they are focused on God which has provided them with a best friend relationship which is a real blessing, I can take loads from their own relationships and put it into practice with my boyfriend which is totally awesome. We have been made for relationships, God made us for relationships, relationship with him.

An interesting thing which took me by surprise...
Who am I? - A very important question, if I don't know myself how I can I get to know others without being confused.
Who is God? - Awesome, loving, beautiful, giving, perfect, kind, servant hearted, clever etc

-- This is where it gets interesting --

I was made in God's image! So who am I? I am beautiful, clever, kind, perfect, loving, awesome, servant hearted, loved, clever!
Its funny how the world is such a negative place you have to look like this person and you have to talk like this person and act this way.. but its not like that! I don't have to be anyone i'm not! I am are me. I am are an image of God - No one lese has been or will be like you. I have a different aspect of God's personality and character that no one else will have, they may have simillar but not the same, I am so different that I am unique! :-) Fearfully and wonderfully made! How exciting is that, my potential is feared by my God, He know's how much I can change the world and it is so incredible and he fears that! :-D I have a lot to live up to! Not that its a pressure that will consume me, when God know's it is the right time He will give a gift which will get me to the place i need to be!

A song that you may like to listen to:

So the question I leave you with.. Who are you?

God bless.

N.B. These are my personal views.

1 comment:

  1. wiked post El. Hope you're doing ok out there. I like your writting, very up lifting! Take care
