Tuesday 7 June 2011

Gold coast 23rd May – 2nd June... The Final stand...

Arriving at the YWAM gold coast base we jumped into a busy 10 day schedule of school programs and street evangelism.

School programs - We went into one school to teach grade 7 RE and decided to speak about who we were in God. Two of my team did testimonies and we then moved into small groups to talk about who they thought they were and then about the gifts they had been given. I was lucky enough to have an awesome conversation with a group of four girls and we talked about their strengths and how they were given by God. We also talked about bully – it surprised me how much bullying was going on. Thinking about It I’m sure I had bullying conversations at all the schools we as a team were involved with. A heart breaking thought.
Another school we went into we were doing games during their two lunch breaks (it still confuses me when the kids eat…) and we did toilet roll minute to win it which turned out to be a lot of toilet paper being thrown everywhere.  

We also had the privilege to go and help out at a two weekly event where free food and drink was served at a church for the homeless. Definitely an eye opening experience to hear some of the stories of what people had been through and what they were still going through being on the streets, or not having enough money to afford food everyday. It was also a very social place where people went to get out of the house. I spent the 3 hours on one table where the conversation bounced from God to anything but God!

The team were asked to work a youth event on the Friday evening which was going to be different to all the others. They were having a boxing theme and then Johnny Lee Clary was going to speak about his life and experiences (Johnny Lee Clary is an ex member of the KKK, and ex pro wrestler) it was a very eye opening and motivating talk which got many thinking about their lives and what they are going through. Afterwards there was the opportunity for people to commit of recommit their life to Jesus and 51 people were prayed for out of the 120 who came. It was an awesome night and lots of things were learnt by all.

Evangelism – Most days there opportunities to go to Surfer’s Paradise to evangelise. A description of Surfer’s Paradise would be like this: on one side there is the beach, with soft sand and crashing waves, on the other side there are so many shops, restaurants and bars that it is one of two things. 1) A perfect place to lose yourself in consumerism/ food/ alcohol, I would say it is a great place to disappear into to. 2) A perfect place to hear people’s stories, to influence their lives in a way of a smile, a listening here and in some cases talking to them about the love of Jesus Christ. As distracting as Surfer’s is great conversations were had by all the team and we all felt that peoples lives had been changed from us being in the city.  The different types of evangelism we did varied too. One afternoon we did beach sports evangelism, self explanatory we set up a volley ball net and played volley ball for 2 hours, whilst your team was waiting to play I was able to speak to them and ask them their story and in return tell my story.
We did a free coffee van where people could go get free coffee and if they wanted they could chat and have some bread/cakes.  The other type of evangelism was creative where we took video cameras onto the streets and asked people questions such as “What is true love?”  we also had signs saying ‘free hugs’ and ‘free prayer’ which were also effective and the confusion it caused allowed conversations to follow.

From staying in the gold coast I have come to realise the telling people about God and Jesus isn’t just a thing certain people do one day a week but its something everyone can do everyday of the week. It doesn’t have to be standing on the corner of a street screaming at people but a polite conversation over the counter at a shop or a smile to a stranger. Acting out God’s love is just as important as having those conversations with people. If I can do it, anyone can! 

God bless. X

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