Saturday 11 June 2011

Bittersweet goodbye...

So this is it.. i have done.. completed. finished the 6 month school that has radically changed my life. I have learnt that not only the people of third world countries need help but western society desperately needs God, needs a relationship with someone who will love them for just as they are. It is exciting to think that i have learnt and been equipped with the knowledge to spread this love. However, you don't have to fly half way round the world to find out what God wants you to do (that just makes it more fun!) just listen to what he says, read his word and show people his love through actions and attitudes.
Thank you so so much for all support and prayer that has covered my over the past 6 months, i have greatly appreciated and needed it at different times during my stay.

My next stop is Adelaide and then the world!
I am looking forward to seeing you all again, catching up and finding out your stories! (For the past 6 months i have talked about myself, when i get back its your turn to tell me what you've been doing!!)

God bless, Love you all.

1 comment:

  1. I think you'll have to tell your story once or twice more when you get back! I'm so looking forward to hearing as much as you can manage to tell us about your time over there doing such wonderful things. :-) Hx
